Thursday, October 2, 2014

Humans are their own worst enemy

So listen up folks, there's a whole lot of Rage going on about how the Ebola patient got into America if he was sick and if the Liberians were supposedly screening their airports. 

See post # 9132 Why Airport Screening Can’t Stop MERS, Ebola or Avian Flu for a great explanation of how bugs sneak through airports. I really can't say it better than him. Most pertinent points- 
1. sick people need to lay off the aspirin so we can ID their plague ridden selves with thermometers. 
2. If you are sick, keep your butt at home OR Bring a Face Mask, 
3. Mr. Microbe is just going to incubate, viruses are crafty that way. 
4. Be like me and loudly complain about any passengers not covering their mouths when they cough and sneeze. Politeness is for sissies who don't care about their health. Eventually the plague bombs will get the message.

Also, since my original post on Facebook, it turns out that the sly Mr. Duncan (US Ebola patient 0) lied to airport personnel when they asked him if he had ever had contact with an Ebola patient. Which brings me to shout "Amen!" whenever I see Dr. House utter "Patients Lie." However, my colleague at work made the excellent point that over there, people are poorly educated, and the fool may not have realized that helping his poor sick, pregnant neighbor who was having a seizure get to the hospital was actually a bad thing for him to do. Which just goes to show why having a bunch of poor, uneducated, miserable sops in Africa is a Really Bad Idea for the rest of us in the First World nations.

Good job Ebola, attack the one area of the globe that wasn't ever going to be ready to stand up to you. You sly minx.

-Dr. M


  1. Better yet, convince the poor sops that the medical profession is part of a big conspiracy to spread the disease and that hospitals and such are where you go to catch it. Oh wait, we already have people in the US that believe that.

  2. Gildana, excellent point. Also, when we do get a vaccine ready, many Africans suspect that us white folks are using vaccines to kill people faster, not help them survive. It's a truly horrible situation all the way around.
