Thursday, October 2, 2014

How it all began:

Hello Cruel World,

After many requests from friends on my Facebook page, I'm transitioning to a new medium for social media. This blog is meant to be a dedication to science, education and all the wacky microbes out there that are secretly gunning for our demise. After all, the world was better when parasites, viruses, bacteria and bugs were the dominant life form. Or so they think. (And some might agree they still are the dominant life form.) I'll present information on topics of current interest (Ebola) and historical mass murdering microbes that just keep coming back no matter how hard we try to stamp them out (Salmonella, Malaria, ect, more than you realized.)

A disclaimer, all of the information in this blog is the research and personal musings of one Doctor of Veterinary Medicine who works as an Epidemiologist for the United States Government. It is meant to raise awareness, educate and inspire passion for science and medicine; NOT to diagnose your personal illness. Go back to WebMD or some crap if you want to figure out why you've had bloody diarrhea for a week. Or maybe you know, go see a doctor for humans! Because, yeah, Ebola.

Let's learn something together,

-Dr. M

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